Prawn Spring Rolls with Sweet Chilli Lime Mayo

Cook Time 30 minutes

Servings makes 12 rolls


12 large green prawns, deshelled, peeled and deveined tails on

½ tsp white pepper

2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ cup sweet chilli sauce 

1 tsp light soy sauce
¼ cup shredded coconut, for coating

6 pieces spring roll pastry

Sweet Chili Lime Mayo

2 tbsp mayonnaise

2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce 

½ lime, juiced


On a chopping board, slice small slits (not going all the way through) along the inner body of the prawn. This helps the prawn straighten out and prevents it from curling whilst cooking. Pat prepared prawns dry and place into a bowl.

Mix together the white pepper, garlic, sweet chilli, soy, and shredded coconut. Coat each prawn in the mixture.

Prepare the spring roll pastry by halving diagonally to create two triangles.

With the point of the pastry triangle pointing left, lay the coated prawn at bottom edge with the tail overhanging the side. Fold the point on the left, over to the right and then roll the prawn upwards. Creating a neat and tight prawn roll. Repeat with all remaining prawns.

In a small bowl mix the sweet chilli, lime, and mayo ingredients together and set aside.

Spray with olive oil and cook in an air fryer at 200°C for 5-10 minutes or until crispy.

For deep-frying, heat at least 2 cm of oil in a large frying pan over high heat. When the oil reaches 180°C, or when small bubbles rapidly form around a wooden spoon, it's ready for frying. Fry the spring rolls in batches and drain on paper towels

Serve with sweet chilli lime mayo.


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