Cheeky Chicken Meatballs With Tahini Yoghurt

Cook Time 25 minutes

Servings make 24 meatballs


1kg chicken mince

1 egg

½ bunch dill, chopped finely

½ bunch spring onions, chopped

½ sml brown onion, diced

Salt & Pepper

¼ cup olive oil

100g parmesan

1 cup coarse breadcrumbs

Tahini Yoghurt

1 cup Greek Style Yoghurt

2 tbsp Tahini

1 lemon, Juiced

Salt and Pepper

1 tbsp Olive oil 


Combine spring onion and brown onions in a blender until finely chopped. Place mince into a bowl. Add chopped onions, eggs, salt and pepper, cheese and dill. Mix together and add breadcrumbs until combined.

Roll 80g balls and shallow fry in vegetable oil (medium heat) for 3 - 5 minutes.

For Tahini Yoghurt, place all ingredients into a bowl, combine and add salt and pepper to taste.

Once the meatballs are cooked, place onto a plate and cover them with yoghurt. Garnish with dill. 


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