Japanese Strawberry Sandwich

Cook Time 10 minutes + 1 hour setting time (optional)

Servings 3-6


1 punnet of strawberries

1 batch of Chantilly cream (thickened cream, vanilla bean paste, icing sugar)

6 extra thick-cut slices of day-old white square bread


Spread a generous spoonful of cream over 3 pieces of bread. 

Cut the tops off the strawberries so they are roughly the same size. Place strawberries in a line, all pointing the same direction, diagonally across the centre of the bread. Add more strawberries across the other diagonal line, this should create a X shape. Coat all the strawberries with another generous spoonful of cream and cover with a piece of bread. 

If you have time, wrap the sandwiches individually in cling wrap, gently squishing down to ensure they’re even. Place in the fridge to set for 1 hour, this will make the sandwich firmer and easier to cut.

Remove the cling wrap and use a serrated knife to remove the crust, making perfect squares. Follow the X shape to cut the sandwiches into 4 triangles, exposing the strawberries, and serve. 


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