Ultimate Lamb Shoulder

Cook Time 8 hours

Servings 6-8


3.2kg lamb shoulder, bone-in

Olive oil

4 brown onions 

1 head of garlic

4 sprigs fresh rosemary 

5 sprigs of fresh lemon thyme 

1L of beef stock 

Dried oregano

Salt and pepper 

1 cup of red wine 

Juice of 1 lemon



Preheat oven to 140°C fan forced. 

For the lamb shoulder, heat a large non-ceramic roasting tray over high heat. Rub the lamb with olive oil and sprinkle HEAVILY with dried oregano, salt and pepper. Sear all sides of lamb until browned. 

Quarter onions and chop garlic bulb in half and add the whole thing to the baking tray with the onion, 1L of beef stock, 1 cup of red wine, 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary, 5 sprigs of fresh lemon thyme (chuck some string around the herbs to keep them together) and lemon juice.

Cover with baking paper then cover with several layers of aluminium foil and seal tightly. Place into the oven for 6-8 hours.

Remove the lamb from the oven. Strain stock into a medium saucepan. Add honey and simmer until reduced and thickened. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 

While the sauce is reducing, adjust the oven to 240-250°C grill function. Baste the lamb with the reduced stock and grill, basting repeatedly, until the lamb is richly glazed and browned. 


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