Quick Fish Curry

Cook Time 15 minutes

Servings 4


4 fillets of white firm fleshed fish (eg. rockling, flathead, wild barramundi)

250ml coconut milk

zest and juice of 1 lime

2 kaffir lime leaves

1 tsp grated ginger

1 sliced chilli

2 stalks lemongrass – crushed

few leaves and stalks Thai basil and coriander

1 tsp turmeric oil

salt and pepper


Get a deep round pan with a lid.  Place the fish inside.

Pour the coconut milk over the fish, and then sprinkle the ginger, chilli, herbs, kaffir lime leaves, lime zest and juice, and place crushed lemongrass over the top.

Put the lid on and bring to a simmer; cook for 5 minutes.

Remove the herbs and lemongrass and drizzle with the turmeric oil, all over.


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