Porcini Mushroom Ravioli with Duck Ragu

Cook Time 2 hours

Servings 4


1 packet of mushroom ravioli

2 duck legs

1 onion, halved

1 stick celery, chopped

1 carrot, roughly chopped

3 garlic cloves, bruised

50g pancetta, chopped

3 sprigs sage

Pinch chilli flakes

1 wide strip of lemon peel

1 cup white wine

2 cups chicken stock

Parmesan, to serve

Chopped parsley, to serve

Salt and pepper


Place the duck legs into a sauté pan and then turn the heat on. Slowly bring up the heat and seal the duck on each side until golden brown and the fat has rendered. Remove and place on a plate.

Place the onion, carrot, celery, garlic and pancetta into a food processor and chop until fine. Add to the pan and cook, stirring regularly for 5-6 minutes to soften without colouring.

Return the duck and add the sage, chilli and lemon peel and stir through, then season with salt and pepper. Deglaze with wine and cook off for a few minutes before adding the stock. Bring to the boil. Cover with a lid and cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour until the meat falls from the bones easily.

Shred the meat off the bone and return to the sauce. Discard fat and bones.

Cook the ravioli in salted boiling water until al dente.

Using a slotted spoon add the ravioli to the sauce, allowing some of the pasta water to go into the ragu. Toss to coat then add a few handfuls of parmesan and toss again before serving. Serve with chopped parsley and extra parmesan.


Naan Piadina


Potato and Fish Parcels