Pistachio Tiramisu

Cook Time 30 minutes + 2 hours chilling

Servings 8-10


450g mascarpone

600ml thickened cream

150g pistachio paste

1 tsp vanilla bean paste

80g caster sugar plus an extra 2 tablespoons

400ml espresso coffee, slightly cooled

80ml amaretto or pistachio liqueur or milk for non-alcohol

24-28 savoiardi biscuits

Icing powder, for dusting on top

Slivered pistachios, to serve


In the large bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, on medium speed, whisk the thickened cream, vanilla bean paste and caster sugar together until soft peaks form.

In another bowl add the pistachio paste along with a few tablespoons of cream and mix well to loosen the mixture. Add the mascarpone and fold through to combine before folding through the whipped cream.

In a shallow bowl mix the coffee, 2 tablespoons of caster sugar and liquor (if using) together. Using a 22 cm x 22 cm heavy-bottomed dish (or any dish of your choice) spread a thin layer of the cream mixture, then soak one biscuit at a time in the coffee mixture.

Layer the soaked biscuits over the cream and then thickly cover the biscuits with more mascarpone cream. Repeat the layering with the soaked biscuits and cream. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving.

To serve top with slivered pistachios and a light dusting of icing sugar.


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