Pear Crumble

Cook Time 1 hour

Servings 4


¾ cup wholemeal flour 

¾ cup oats

¾ cup brown sugar 

⅓ cup desiccated coconut 

1 tsp cinnamon 

⅓ cup flaked almonds 

100g butter, cubed and brought to room temperature

250g blackberries (or any berry of your choice)

Juice of ½ lemon 

½ cup caster sugar 

4 ripe pears, peeled and sliced 

Ice cream and icing sugar, to serve


Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Combine the flour, oats, brown sugar, coconut, cinnamon, and almonds. Mix together and then add the butter. Use your hands to work in the butter to get a crumbly texture.

Arrange the sliced pears in the bottom of a backing dish followed by the blackberries. Add the lemon juice and caster sugar, mix together. Next place the crumble mixture on top and bake in the oven for 45 minutes to one hour.

Serve with ice cream and dust with icing sugar.


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