Ham and Egg Buckwheat Crepes

Cook Time 20 minutes + 1 hour resting

Servings 6


400g buckwheat flour
800ml cold water + an extra 200ml
Pinch of nutmeg
8 eggs
30g of butter
150 grams of cheddar cheese, grated
6 slices ham
Pinch of salt
½ bunch of chives, finely chopped


Place flour, nutmeg and a pinch of salt in a large bowl and make a well in the center. Add two eggs and whisk to break up. Slowly add 800ml of water and little by little bring in the sides. Whisk until smooth.

The batter should be as thin pouring cream. Cover the batter with cling film and chill in the fridge for 2 hours or even better overnight. The batter will thicken so whisk in the remaining water.

Heat heavy-based pan or crêpe pan over medium heat. Add a knob of butter and ladle in 60ml batter. Swirl the pan to coat the base. Crack an egg into the centre and cook for 3 minutes with a lid covering the egg to speed up the cooking process. Cook egg until just set, or until cooked to your liking. Sprinkle cheese and tear sliced ham around the egg.

Fold in sides of the crêpe so that the egg is partly exposed. Transfer to a plate and keep warm. Repeat with the remaining batter and eggs.

Download full recipe available here.


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