Ham and Cheese Pignatelles

Cook Time 45 minutes

Servings Makes about 30


¾ cup (125g) plain flour

80g butter

250ml water

1 tsp salt

3 whole eggs

2 slices of ham (60g), finely diced

100g Gruyere cheese (or cheddar, parmesan)

Vegetable oil, for frying


In a saucepan bring the water, butter and salt to a boil. Remove from heat and rain in the flour. Mix with a wooden spoon over medium heat.  Continue mixing vigorously over low heat for about 1 minute or until a light crust forms on the bottom of the pan. Cool a little and then add the eggs one at a time, mixing well between each egg addition. 

Add the ham and cheese to the pastry and mix well until smooth.

Heat the oil in a wok or pot.

With dessert spoons form walnut-size portions and lower them into the oil. Cook for 1–2 minutes, turning in the oil for an even cook. They should be golden brown, light and fluffy.

Drain the excess oil on a paper towel and serve while still hot.


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