Blueberry and Apple Crepes

Cook Time 1 hour 40 minutes

Servings 4


1 cup plain flour, sifted

1½ tbsp caster sugar, plus extra 

3 eggs

500 ml milk

1 pinch of salt

50g butter, melted + extra for pan 

Dollop cream, to serve 


3 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored & cut into quarters

1 punnet of blueberries 

3 tbsp sugar 

Pinch cinnamon 

squeeze of lemon


Place the flour in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the eggs, sugar and salt. Whisk the eggs into the flour, adding a little milk at a time until the batter is smooth. Add the rest of the milk whisking thoroughly. It should be the consistency of pouring cream. Add the melted butter and stir well. Cover the batter with cling film and let the rest in the fridge for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, make the compote by adding the apple to a medium saucepan with a splash of water, sugar, cinnamon and a splash of lemon juice. Cover and cook for 6-8 minutes or until the apples are just tender. Add the blueberries, stir and cook for a further 10 minutes until the fruit is soft. Cool. This can be made up to 3 days ahead of time. 

Brush some butter in the crepe pan and pour in a ladleful of batter (about 1/4 cup) making sure it is evenly spread to the edges of the pan. When the crepe starts to set, detach the edges with a spatula and shake gently then flip it on the other side. Cook for another minute. Repeat the process until all the crepes are cooked. Set the crepes aside until required.

Working with one crepe at a time, add a generous spoonful of the compote onto the crepe and roll up into a cylinder. Brush with a little butter and sprinkle with sugar. Return to the pan so the crepes become crispy. Serve with a  dollop of cream on the side.


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