Salt & Vinegar Parsnips

Cook Time 15 - 20 minutes

Servings 2


Pickle liquid
650g malt vinegar
250g caster sugar
1 star anise
2 cloves
1 tsp celery seeds
4-5 fresh bay leaves
10g salt

Crumbed parsnips
1kg parsnips peeled & cored
Seasoned plain flour
4 eggs
2kg white panko bread crumbs


Make pickle liquid by combining all ingredients in a large pot and bring to boil.

Meanwhile; peel parsnips. Depending on their size, cut into 6-8 wedges. Each wedge should be the whole length of the parsnip. Aim to keep the wedges looking as natural as possible, remove stem from top carefully without creating a flat edge.

Once all the wedges are cut, cut away the parsnips core from each one, aiming to maintain its natural shape. Once all wedges are prepared add the first batch to boiling pickle. Cover with a lid, reduce heat and cook until tender (approximately 10 minutes). Parsnips should be soft but not falling apart. It is important that they are properly cooked through. Strain from the liquid onto a tray to cool. Repeat process until all parsnips are cooked. Store cooked parsnips in pickle liquid in fridge.

Crumb parsnips before required, deep fry and season. Serve with a mayonnaise or condiment of choice.


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