Paneer Frankie

Cook Time 45 minutes plus resting

Servings 4


¼ cup carrots (julienned/thinly sliced)

¼ cup sliced onion

¼ cup sliced capsicum

½ cup paneer, cut into thick strips

1 tbsp minced/chopped garlic

1 tbsp chilli sauce (sambal olek or schezwan)

1 tbsp light soy

1 tbsp rice wine vinegar

1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce

1 tsp sugar



Salt, to taste


2 cups wholemeal flour

Water as required


1 tsp oil/ghee 

Coriander Chutney

1 bunch coriander, chopped

2½ cm piece of ginger

1 fresh green chilli

Juice of half a lemon

1-2 tbsp natural yoghurt

Salt to taste


½ red onion, sliced

Chaat masala

Fresh coriander leaves, to serve


For the Roti dough, using a stand mixer (or by hand) mix together flour, ghee and salt along with water as needed to bring together a medium soft dough. Cover with a wet paper towel or a cloth and rest at room temperature.

Meanwhile in a pan add oil, once hot add in the chopped garlic, sliced onion and sliced capsicum and carrot. Add the sauces, sugar and then add in the paneer. Mix well to combine and season with salt and pepper. (please be sure to not overcook the vegetables, we are using heat to incorporate it all together)

For the roti, take a ball sized amount of dough and working gently (using dry flour), using a rolling pin to make a Roti (roughly the size of a dinner plate). On a hot pan over medium heat cook this on both sides.

To make the coriander chutney, blend all the ingredients together to form a smooth paste.

To assembly, using the Roti (as the wrap), spread some coriander chutney on the base, add in around 2 tbsp of the prepared paneer mixture and top with sliced onion, fresh coriander and a sprinkle of chaat masala (optional). For extra spicy, sprinkle some red chilli powder and a dollop of the coriander chutney on top.

Roll it up and enjoy.


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