Meringue Confetti with Ice-cream

Cook Time 20 minutes

Servings makes 3 standard tray


135g caster sugar

100g egg whites

Pinch of cream of tartar

75g pure icing sugar, sieved

15g cornflour

Pink colour gel

Purple colour gel

Orange colour gel

Vegetable oil spray

Vanilla ice cream, for serving


Heat the oven to 80°C, preferably with the fan off.

Place caster sugar, egg whites and cream of tartar into a heat-proof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and mix until it reaches 60°C.

Transfer into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and whip to create a meringue.

Remove from the mixer and fold in the sieved icing sugar and cornflour.

Lightly spray 3 baking trays, 400 mm x 300 mm in size, with vegetable oil and line with baking paper.

Evenly divide the meringue between 3 bowls. Add the pink colour to one bowl, purple to another, and orange to the final bowl, then gently mix until the colours are incorporated.

Place each coloured meringue into separate piping bags fitted with small round piping tips, approximately 6mm in diameter. If you do not have small piping tips, you can simply cut a small tip off the end of each piping bag.

Pipe small drops of meringue over the lined trays.

Bake in the pre-heated oven for 30 minutes, or until crunchy.

To serve, sprinkle the meringue confetti over vanilla ice cream.

NOTE: Store the cooled meringue confetti in an airtight container at room temperature.


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