Italian Seafood Salad

Cook Time 30 minutes (+ marinating time)

Servings 4


6-10 baby potatoes (depending on size)

500ml white wine vinegar
100g caster sugar
1 tbsp salt
2 bay leaves
2 celery sticks, cut into 2cm pieces on a diagonal
2 small carrots, peeled, cut into 2cm pieces sliced on a diagonal
2 medium whole squid, cleaned and hoods scored and cut into 2x4cm rectangles, tentacles cut in half
4 scallops
4 green king prawns, peeled and deveined
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic, minced
3 sprigs of parsley, finely chopped
Salt and pepper


Place the vinegar, sugar, salt and bay leaves into a pot and bring to the boil. Place the celery and carrots in separate bowls and divide the pickling liquid over both. Place in the fridge for 1-2 hours.

Combine half of the olive oil with the garlic and some salt and pepper and add to the seafood. Mix with your hands to coat evenly, then leave to marinate for 1 hour at room temperature.

Place the unpeeled potatoes in a pot of salted cold water and bring to the boil, or cook them in a steamer. Cook until the potatoes are tender. Drain and, once cool enough to handle, cut into rough cubes.

Grill the seafood for a 1-2 minutes on each side starting with the prawns, then the scallops and calamari. Remove and add to the bowl of potatoes. Drain the carrots and celery and add to the salad. Add the remaining oil and parsley and toss to coat. Check seasoning and for an extra zing add a little of the pickling liquid. Serve at room temperature.


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