Hommus, Smoked Salmon and Dill Pickle Bagels

Cook Time 15 minutes plus pickling time

Servings 2


2 seeded bagels 

6 slices smoked salmon 

2 tbsp cream cheese

2 tbsp hommus


1 continental cucumber, peeled and sliced on mandolin 

2 tsp of sea salt

4 sprigs of dill, finely chopped

50ml white wine vinegar

20g sugar

1 tsp mustard powder


Put the cucumbers in a colander with salt and leave for 20 minutes. Wash the salt off the cucumbers thoroughly. Drain and pat dry.

Mix the vinegar, sugar, mustard and the dill in a bowl until the sugar has dissolved. Add the cucumber and place in the fridge for 1-2 hours.

To assemble, spread one side of the bagel with hommus and the other with cream cheese. Arrange smoked salmon, and pickles on top and sandwich together.


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