Herby Potato Salad

Cook Time 25 minutes

Servings 4 as a side


2kg baby potatoes, steamed

5 sprigs of parsley, roughly chopped, plus extra for garnish

5 sprigs of dill, roughly chopped, plus extra for garnish

260g natural yoghurt

200 feta cheese

1 tbsp baby capers

4 gherkins

1 tbsp white vinegar

1 tsp English mustard

3 tbsp olive oil

Pinch of salt

Extra capes, to serve


Start by steaming the potatoes with the skins on until tender. Then put to one side.

For the dressing, place parsley and dill into the food processor. Next, add in the gherkins, capers, and white vinegar and blitz until roughly chopped.

Add in the feta followed by the mustard. Blitz again and while the processor is on slowly add in the yoghurt and olive oil.

Empty the sauce into a large bowl. Next, chop the potatoes in half and add to them to the dressing. Toss until the potatoes are covered in the dressing.

Garnish with capes and herbs.




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