Grilled Sausage Banh Mi

Cook Time 30 minutes plus pickling time

Servings 4


4 thick cut pork sausages

4 crispy long bread rolls

200g pâté of your choice

½ cup whole egg mayonnaise

2 Lebanese cucumbers, seeds removed and cut into strips

2 long chillies, finely sliced

4 spring onions cut into long batons

½ bunch coriander

Pickled Carrot and Daikon

1 large carrot, julienned

½ daikon, peeled and cut into 5cm batons

6 lychees, chopped

½ cup of white vinegar

½ cup of sugar

150ml water

1 tsp salt


For the pickles heat vinegar, sugar, water and salt in small pot until the sugar dissolves. Cool slightly then add the carrots, daikon, and lychee. Pickle overnight or even better for 2 days before using.

Place the sausages in a pan or BBQ and turn the heat to medium. Slowly bring up the heat so the sausages don’t break open. Cook, turning regularly for 8-10 minutes or until cooked through.

Cut the bread rolls in half horizontally ensuring not to cut all the way through. Spread pâté on one side and mayonnaise on the other. Add the drained pickles, followed by the sausage, cucumbers, chilli, spring onions and coriander.


Sables Korova