Chocolate Scones with Double Cream

Cook Time 20 minutes 

Servings 9


3 cups self-raising flour

¼ cup cocoa 

1 cup thickened cream

1 cup lemonade 

Pinch of salt

Milk, to glaze

Jam and double cream, to serve


Preheat the oven to 200°C and grease a large tray with butter.

Place the flour, cream, cocoa, lemonade and salt in a large mixing bowl and with a butter knife carefully mix the ingredients together until the dough forms. Tip out onto a floured surface and press out to a thickness of about 2 - 3 cm. Using a cookie cutter (6 cm width) cut out scones. Place them close together on the tray and then glaze with a little milk.

Bake for 10 - 15 minutes. Serve hot or cold with your favourite jam and some double cream.


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