Chocolate Fondue

Cook Time 15 minutes

Servings 8-10


300g 70% dark chocolate, chopped

300g milk chocolate, chopped

415ml pure cream

For Dipping

Seasonal fruit such as strawberries, mandarin segments, stone fruit, pineapple etc

Biscuits such as cantuccini, brownie pieces

Little liqueur such as amaretto, malibu, cognac or whiskey... (optional)


Place the cream in a saucepan and bring to just under boiling point.

Take off the heat and add the chopped chocolate.

Allow to sit for around a minute.

Then, using a stick blender homogenize to create a silky, smooth fondue mixture.

Add a little more cream if you prefer the mixture to be a bit thinner.

Add a dash of amaretto or liqueur of your choice.

Place the fondue mixture in a heated bowl.

Thomas’ Tip:

Alter your dipping fruits depending on the time of year for a sumptuous and seasonal dessert and flavour the fondue accordingly. Ripe Strawberries with a touch of Tonka and a splash of Amaretto in the fondue, Pinapple with a few flakes of chilli in the chocolate ... The sky is the limit.

Even some Gingerbread spice in the base for a festive touch is a delight. Biscuits, Brownie pieces and Cake also makes for stunning treats to dip in this stunning Swiss dessert. Bon Appétit.


Blueberry Swirl Loaf

