Chocolate-Caramelised Eggplant Pudding

Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes

Servings 6 (small ramekins)


300g the inside of a slow-roasted eggplant (hot) 

200g dark chocolate 

2 whole eggs 

15g cacao powder 

50g almond meal 

2 tsp baking powder 

Pinch of salt 

Raw sugar to taste 


Set the oven to 180°C. Grease & line with baking paper, 6 ramekins. Once the eggplant is roasted and caramelised with blistered skin, remove the skin. Pulverize the hot eggplant flesh in a food processor. Add chocolate to the eggplant pulp and allow to stand until melted.

In a separate bowl, lightly whisk the eggs. Stir into the eggs, the cacao powder, almond meal, baking powder and salt. Using a spatula, fold the egg mixture into the eggplant and chocolate. Taste and add your desired quantity of sugar.

Pour into prepared ramekins (approx. 115g per ramekin). Place ramekins onto a baking tray and into the preheated oven for 30 minutes. 

Test by inserting a skewer into the centre to see whether it is cooked. Skewer must not return dry, nor with overly moist mixture, just in between (note: these cakes will keep cooking on the inside a little even after you remove them from the hot oven). 

Serve with cream and enjoy!


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