Barramundi with Santorini Cous Cous Salad

Cook Time 20 minutes

Servings 2


1 cup couscous
2 fillets barramundi
10 cherry tomatoes, halved and quartered
1 Lebanese cucumber, diced
10 white anchovies
½ cup capers
⅓ cup shaved kefalotiri cheese
½ tsp dried oregano
1 clove garlic, peeled
½ bunch basil
½ bunch coriander
½ bunch flat parsley
½ bunch dill
Juice of 1 lemon
Extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt flakes
Ground black pepper


Boil your kettle and pour 1 cup water over 1 cup cous cous. Cover and set aside for about 5 minutes.

In another bowl, mix together the tomatoes, diced cucumber, tomatoes, torn anchovies, capers, kefalotiri cheese and oregano. Once the cous cous is cooked, fluff with a fork and add it to the tomato salad.

To make the salsa verde, in a food processor blitz all the herbs together with the garlic and about ½ cup of oil. You can always add more oil to make a silkier and wetter salsa verde.

Toss some salsa verde through the cous cous mixture and reserve some for plating up.

For the barramundi, heat a non-stick fry pan and add a piece of baking paper. Oil the paper and add the barramundi skin side down. Season with salt and pepper and cook for 3 minutes of each side, or until just cooked through.

To serve, place some cous cous salad on the bottom of the plate and top with the barramundi. Spoon a bit of the salsa verde on top.


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