Banana Relish

Cook Time 20 minutes

Servings makes 1L


500g frozen banana, defrosted slightly

3 tbsp of peanut oil

1 onion, finely chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced

1x 3cm piece of ginger, minced

1 tbsp mustard seeds

1 long red chilli, chopped

1 coriander root, chopped

1 tbsp turmeric

1 tbsp cumin seeds

1 tomato, deseeded and chopped

80ml white vinegar

½ cup brown sugar

¾ cup desiccated coconut

1 tsp salt


Put a pot on a medium heat and add the peanut oil. Sweat the onions, garlic and ginger followed by the mustard seeds, once they start to pop, add in the chilli, turmeric, coriander root and cumin seeds.

Next add the tomato and cook until they start breaking down. Then add 120ml of water, white vinegar and salt followed by brown sugar and the banana. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes until the banana softens and breaks down. In the last 5 minutes of cooking time, add in the coconut and stir.

Pour the chutney into a sterilized glass jar.


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